Returns Policy

We attach importance to the quality of product and services, before sending the parcel out, we have to check the product twice again and packaging by ourselves.

But to provide you with maximum peace of mind we've made the return process super easy.

  1. If you have received an item with any problems or defects, please contact our  after-sale Customer Service (email: within 30 days upon receipt to inform us of the issue. We do not accept the returned package without authorized from customer service.
  2. You can only return items that are unworn, unwashed, undamaged, have the original tags/packaging attached and hygiene sticker intact. Items returned with obvious use, makeup, deodorant, perfume, or similar product stains will be subject to refusal. In the event that we cannot agree on what will make the difference in clothing or color, we will contact PayPal. 
  3. We are not responsible for clothing that does not fit, or that you do not like, or that you have changed your mind about. However, you can return them at your own expense.
  4. We will approve the return as soon as we have received your request and information. You are responsible for the return shipping costs.
  5. No exchange or return of promotional items.
  6. Please do not send your return to the sender's address on your package. This is not the return address and will affect the processing of your return. You should only send it to the address we provide.




  1. We will NOT accept order cancellation request if the order has already been shipped.
  2. You will be refunded 95% if it’s cancelled within 24 hours of purchase because we will charge 5% cancellation fee. (Normally, you will receive the refund within 3 working days) Please submit a help ticket from Contact Us if you decide to cancel the order.
  3. For orders cancelled after 24 hours of purchase but before shipment, a 10% cancellation fee is applied.
  4. For products that have not been shipped for more than 7 days or are out of stock, no cancellation fee will be charged if the customer applies to cancel the order.


Important Notice:

Refunds will be processed within 7 days after we receive your package. The refund will be issued to your original payment account.